14 липня 2018 р.


I have succesfully completed the online-course "English for Primary School Teachers" (20 hours) on the platform https://nus-english.com.ua/login, which icluded lots of materials tied to practical face-to-face topics. 

8 липня 2018 р.

Summer School 2018

At last my dream came true: I attended British Council Ukraine-IATEFL Ukraine Teacher Professional Development Summer School. It was on July, 1-7  in Drahobrat, a very beautiful place in the Carpathians. My groupmates and trainers were amazing, friendly and helpful people. After the classes we had an opportunity to go hiking, taste national food, gather blueberries, share ideas and just have fun. It was cool!

Face-to-face course 

Three-days face-to-face course for EL teachers who will work in NUS was very intensive, collaborative and thought-provoking.